Every College and Training Provider will see 1000s of changes as every trade takes steps towards NetZero
Every Project or Campaign needs a name. BACH needs to decide if to use NetZero, Carbon Reduction, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green agenda etc etc.
Discussing this with other organisations why they have selected one of the above, but there seems one underlining reason. Funding. Today NetZero is attracting the cash. COP26 in Glasgow uses Climate Change.
CLC (Construction Leadership Council) uses CO2nstructZero The 2 should be dropped down, but some posts will not support this. While I personally don't find another name helpful, following the CLC lead makes sense. You can see their Performance Framework at https://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/CZ-Performance-Framework-Version-1-20_7_21.pdf
I guess everything also needs to follow the government's Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.
BACH is keen to work with other organisations facing the challenges of how to constantly change teaching in the FE sector to reflect new materials, change of rules, understanding the requirements of major employers and much small businesses. If organisations focusing on NetZero, Carbon Reduction, Climate Change, Sustainability, Green agenda wish to work with BACH and its Members please contact ian Stirling ia***@ba**.uk