Note that BACH is now a Company Limited by Guarantee and VAT Registered. This website and its documents are being updated if they relate to the period from November 2024.

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BACH Top Table 2023
BACH deleagte asking question
BACH women leading construction training
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BACH women leading construction training
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BACH is Run by its Members For its Members. Members lead training from across Construction, Building & Engineering services. If your learners create and maintain the Built Environment, then BACH Membership is for you. 

BACH Membership is a key that enables and empowers Leaders and Managers of Construction, Building & Engineering services, Civils and Groundworks, Retrofit, Modern Methods of Construction and off-site manufacturing to achieve the very best outcomes for their Learners, Students and those upskilling. For over 40 years, BACH represented those in Further Education, but now it encompasses Members from High Education, Private Training Providers, Employers and Trade Groups.

In recent years it has gone from strength to strength with over 170 Colleges and other Training Providers. With leaders from Ofsted, IfATE, and other major players in Construction Training attending BACH's two annual conferences, it continues its enviable tradition of delivering excellent CPD and networking opportunities for the Best Informed Construction Heads. 

Many of our Members face the same challenges, from Staff shortages to Defunding Level 2 and BTECs. Or from applying the New Apprenticeship Standards to having the time to create new courses for Retrofitting & Greening the Workforce to the use of new equipment and materials. 

If you lead Construction Training in the UK, at a college, university, private training provider or in-house you should join the Best Informed Construction Heads.  Become a Member

BACH is at the heart of building support from the likes of CLC, CITB and CCAFT to influence the Government and other decision-makers.  With your support, we can keep developing channels of communication that can explain to the funders and policymakers the practical challenges of teaching those who will be the next generation to create and maintain the Built Environment and tackle the harmful changes to our climate and natural environment. 

BACH now welcomes Associate Members from trade bodies, those supplying training & building tools and materials, experts from the green economy, plus others that are striving to have a fully trained workforce across our combined industries.

Why you should join BACH, now

Firstly, for £330 a year, for all appropriate staff in a college, educational group, organisation or company it is outstanding value. If that is not enough, we give all Members free places at our one-day conference in November.

Every Region holds three CPD events a year, either face-to-face or online.

Benefits of membership in more detail:

  • Belonging to an active group of Members that are finding solutions and best practices for the everyday challenges of teaching and funding construction training
  • Access within BACH and organisations we partner with to talk about a specific challenge that you face.
  • From September, Member's informal online drop-in sessions each term-time month, a chance to share the challenges you are facing with your peers
  • Extra support for those who are new to leading Construction Training
  • BACH National Annual Three-day Conference in March with top industry presenters, panels you can question and practical group sessions.  Special members rates apply
  • BACH National CPD Conference included, free for all Members. High-quality CPD specific to the wider construction trades.
  • Webinars to cover subjects of interest to Member

Membership Rates

Members that provide training to learners wishing to work in creating and maintaining the Built Environment, plus those upskill or retain - £330 per organisation.

Associate Members that support or associate with our Members - £330 per organisation

Retired BACH Members £12.  If you are retired and wish to support our aims as a volunteer, Retired Membership might be available to you. 

Consultants and self-employed EPA etc, who are not also working for an employer £75.

If you have questions, see Join BACH or email ia***@ba**.uk or call 07300878026

110 Members - 170 Colleges and growing fast

Trade Bodies and Commercial Partner can also join

Book the next BACH 3-day National Annual Conference 

IfATE's Deputy Director Jane Pierce
IfATE's Deputy Director Jane Pierce at BACH 2023 Conference

17 March 2024 Manchester 


Getting Value from your 2023 Membership

Follow the BACH Members Journey - Step by Step


British Association of Construction Heads
28 Norwich Road
Hethersett Norwich




Please share information and stories that will interest leaders of Construction Training

Send to ia***@ba**.uk
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