Expired BACH West Midland informal Membership chat

  • WM Membership chat
     14:30 - 15:00
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Your Opportunity – New Committee for BACH in the West Midlands

Bob Howlett, the BACH Chair and recent National Chair, retired in July this year. We are now looking for a New Chair plus other Officers. Please put yourself forward or suggest another Member for the roles. Other Officers are Vice-Chair, Recruitment Officer and Events Organiser.

BACH now has over 100 Members. With College Groups that is over 150 Colleges and 260 Named Members. Many of you know that the British Association of Construction Heads (BACH) was established over 30 years ago. Our Members manage the majority of learners studying the construction curriculum across England and Wales. We are expanding Membership across the UK for those leading construction training from pre-apprenticeship to post-graduate level.

We have set up a short MS Teams meeting at 14.30 on 29 September 2021, where West Midlands Members can discuss the way forward for their Region. Book online
Does anyone want to Chair that meeting? You do not have to be a Member to attend, but you will for future BACH and its Regions events – see joining offer below.
Does the Region need a Vice-Chair to represent the Colleges outside the West Midlands Combined Authority?

To get the Region back to full strength, we are offering 16 months Membership for £350 less another £25 paid for by our Supporter Dovetail & Slate. That is £325 for Membership up to 31 December 2022. The offer is valid up to 10 October 2021.

Our National Annual Conference is in Lincoln from 14 to 16 November 2021.

What else can BACH do for its West Midlands Members?

In the meantime, if you what further information regarding BACH then please follow this link https://bach.ac.uk or email





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