Please share widely with those interested in training and education for the future and present workforce creating the Built Environment
BACH is committed to rebuilding our West Midlands Region and believes there can be a way forward that deals with the ‘Challenge’ of Members outside the Combined Authority feeling they are excluded.
We will kick the process off with an informal MS Teams meeting on Wednesday 1 November, at 10.00. The link is below, but Microsoft has a new version of event meetings. Hopefully, you should be able to register. BACH West Midlands meeting 1
Let us start with some Good News
Please invite any college or ITP not listed below to join BACH free for the rest of 2023. They can attend our 1-day conference on 22 November free of charge, subject to availability.
Our Premier Supporter and Sponsor, Dovetail and Slate, have offered that any college or ITP BACH in the BACH West Midlands Region joining or renewing membership for 2024 by 31 January will receive a contribution of £80. This reduced the membership from £330 to £250.
The BACH NEC have agreed the West Midlands can have two Vice Chairs, one from outside the Combined Authority and one from within. As we start to rebuild the Region, Tabith Binding of the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) will act as Regional Chair. Adam Clayton from Kidderminster is interested in being nominated as the Vice-Chair for the area outside the Combined Authority. We need nominations from within the Combined Authority.
We have agreed that Tammy Leipacher from NOCN will become the Engagement Secretary, and City & Guilds will propose a Recruitment Secretary.
All these positions can go to an outline secret vote when the Region is functioning and has a reasonable number of Members.
We understand that University College Birmingham has offered to hold our first event this December.
BACH’s New Premier Sponsor is CIDORI. You will soon know the name and how they can work with you. CIDORI have agreed to sponsor an informal CPD session in late January or early February in conjunction with a college. This will be open to Members, anyone leading Construction Training in the Region and Key partners. It will include an early evening networking with a drink reception, where other interested organisations can attend.
BACH Members in the West Midlands – Not many when you think it was out second-largest region
Burton & South Derbyshire College
New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE)
Kidderminster College
Sandwell College
Shrewsbury Colleges Group
Walsall College
Finishes and Interiors Sector Ltd (FIS) – Associate Member