Radical change needed to make construction and engineering skills provision fit for the future

2023 Industry Training Board (ITB) review – GOV.UK

  • Fundamental change to the levies linked with Growth & Skills Levy – several detailed recommendations which DFE agree to
  • Route a branch changes to training and standards – several detailed recommendations which DFE agree to
  • The recommendation to merge CITB and ECITB into a new body – DFE partially agree will consider over next year (ish)  – a number of employers do want this – however both CITB and ECITB are fighting this.

Graham Hasting-Evans, Chief Executive of international skills solutions provider, NOCN Group, and President of the British Association of Construction Heads (BACH), contributed to the review as a member of the challenge panel read attached below

Radical change needed to make construction and engineering skills – NOCN

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