NEC 15/16 Oct 2024
15/10/2024 - 16/10/2024
18:00 - 15:30
Event Phone: 07300878026
The meeting is on Wednesday, 16 October 2024, starting at 09.30 with the overnight on Tuesday 15 October.
The NEC meeting and the accommodation is at the Ramada Hotel, The Butts, Earlsdon, Coventry CV1 3GG. If you are staying overnight, you must book your accommodation by selecting the correct option on the BACH website. That way, BACH pays for your hotel. We meet in the bar between 18.00 and 19.00 and then go to a local restaurant again BACH pays for the meal. We release unsold rooms automatically at 12 noon on the Friday before the meeting. NOTE: If we book rooms after this date, we will pay about £50 per room, more than our contract rate.
The hotel has free parking in the multi-storey car park next door. The hotel does not own the car park, so make sure you provide the hotel with your registration number. The hotel is a 15-minute walk from the station.
If you are arriving on the day the meeting starts at 09.30.
Most colleges or organisations pay the mileage or transport costs for their staff. If your organisation will not do this, please submit an expense form. The forms can be found by searching under resources on www.bach.ac.uk/resources
If you have items for the agenda, please let me know.
Venue: Ramada Hotel Butts, Coventry
Ramada Hotel, The Butts, Earlsdon, Coventry CV1 3GG
We are at the Ramada Coventry for both the overnight accommodation on Tuesday and the meeting on Wednesday. The hotel has free parking and is 15 minutes walk from the station.