Gemma Taylor thanks BACH members for their interest in STEM

Gemma discussed professional development nationwide and BACH Members were impressed to hear that there are 30,000 STEM Ambassadors from more than 2,500 employers.

It is important that every college looks at its training of the future Construction Heads

See Gemma presentation given t0 the BACH British Association of Construction Heads. National Annual Conference 11 to 13 March 2018

STEM Learning_Gemma Taylor

T Level comments from ‘Table discussion’ at the BACH National Annual Conference 12 March 2108

T Level comments from ‘Table discussion’

More questions than answers on T levels.  Good on paper, but the detail is required and different T Level groups are going do different routes.

Work Experience is a challenge.  To be covered Tuesday 13 March.

How can you decide what you are offering until the funding is decided?

Level 3 but so much seems to be level 2.  Should we be talking about Standards rather than Levels?

Access the experienced people to deliver the Standards, will be a challenge.  Are the facilities in FE colleges of the size and equipped to deliver the new Standards?

Overall there are differing views on how T Levels are developing.  Join BACH Development Day 21 November 2018 in the Midlands for the next BACH update.

Join information for BACH Spring Conference 11 March 2018

Thank you for joining with the  best informed Construction Heads at  the BACH ANNUAL SPRING CONFERENCE
Sunday 11 to Tuesday 13 March 2018 Nottingham

For Delegates or Presenters not staying for the complete conference, we have hotel rooms available at very good rates. Please call Ian on 07539 143184 or email ia***@ba**.uk

Key information for delegate

The conference and accommodation is at the Hilton Nottingham Milton St, Nottingham NG1 3PZ‎.

Nottingham Station is .7 of a mile away and a 14 minute walk and 1.6 mile taxi ride allow 10 minutes. The hotel is also our conference venue. It is located next door to the Victoria Shopping Mall and in the City Centre.

We have a limited number of car parking spaces reserved for delegates booking the complete package.  Those that have booked a space will be given an exit ticket on departure.  Tomorrow I will email those booked with details.

14.00 to 16.45 Check-in at our Hotel and collect Delegates Pack.  After 16.45 check-in at the hotel reception and collect your Delegate Pack Monday morning at the conference. 18.30 Sunday evening meet in reception for the famous Castle Rock Brewery Tour. This will be followed by a light dinner.  Casual dress. Evening supported by our sponsor NOCN.


06:30 to 07.45 Breakfast at our hotel

08.30 Conference opens

Hot buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day

17.00 Day 1 closes

18.30 Welcome pre-dinner drink

19.15 be seated for dinner.

19.30 dinner is served and this will be followed by Peter Slater is a freelance sports broadcaster and author of “Don’t You Know Who I Am?” – 35 years being ignored by sports rich and famous. 06:30 to 07.45 Breakfast at our hotel

06:30 to 07.45 Breakfast at our hotel

08.30 Conference Day 2 opens

Hot buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day

15.00 Conference closes and free taxi to the station for those that had booked it will depart 15.30 sharp.

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